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    HomeOracle CareerDuties and Responsibilities of DBA

    Duties and Responsibilities of DBA

    The article explains about Duties and Responsibilities of Oracle DBA including daily routine DBA tasks.

    What are the Duties and Job Resposiblities of Oracle DBA?

    As a database administrator (DBA), your responsibility will be with the performance, integrity, and security of the database. You will participate in the planning and development of the database, as well as troubleshooting any problems on behalf of the users.

    You will make sure that:
    the data remains consistent across the entire database; the data is clearly identified by users who simultaneously access the data; Provides data protection and recovery control (ensuring that all data can be retrieved in an emergency) in a form that suits their needs.

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    As a database administrator, you need to:

    Identifying user needs and monitoring user access, monitoring performance and managing security settings to ensure responsiveness to front-end users, outlining the conceptual design of the planned database, taking into account both the internal organization of the data and the availability of the front-end for end users; refine the logical design so that it can be converted to a specific data model, further refining the physical design in accordance with the system storage requirements, installing and testing new versions of the database management system (DBMS) that supports data standards, including data compliance Law on protection writes database documentation, including data standards , procedures and definitions for the data dictionary (metadata),controlling access permissions and privileges, develops, manages, and validates backup and recovery plans to ensure that storage and archiving procedures are functioning correctly, and perform capacity planning work. in close contact with IT project managers, database and multimedia programmers, regularly communicate with technical, application and operational personnel to ensure the integrity of the database and the security commission, as well as install new applications and tune existing applications to meet the objectives of aspect management database security and disaster recovery.

    Perform capacity planning work. In close contact with IT project managers, and database and multimedia programmers, communicate regularly with technical, application and operational personnel to ensure the integrity of the database and security commission, and install new applications and tune existing applications to meet the objectives of aspect management database security and disaster recovery.

    Perform capacity planning work. In close contact with IT project managers, database and multimedia programmers, regularly communicate with technical, application and operational personnel to ensure the integrity of the database and the security commission, as well as install new applications and tune existing applications to meet the objectives of aspect management database security and disaster recovery.

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    To be consistent with the security management and disaster recovery objectives of the database. To be consistent with the security management and disaster recovery objectives of the database. Database administration is a key skill because you need to protect the company’s important data.

    DBA Tasks: What I have accomplished so far:

    1) Install binaries. These can be both database binaries and client binaries.

    2) Database design.

    3) Create a database. Open the database for use/developers.

    4) Create usage, and manage users in the database. It’s about user permissions.

    5) Back up your database frequently.

    6) Performance tuning. Using AWR report in the case of Oracle

    7) Database migration.

    Transferring a database from one server to another. Maybe due to hardware problems or server decommissioning.

    8) Correction of the database. No patching is required for bug fixes or additional functionality.

    9) Updating the database. Update the database to have new features

    10) Migration of the character set. Move the character set to a new one. This helps to support more languages.

    11) Database of securities.

    Database stores company’s important data, and you need to manage very strong security for protecting data.

    12) Planning storage and capacity. It includes keeping track of enough space available for the database to perform operations.

    13) Troubleshooting.

    When there is something wrong with the database, DBA must determine the cause of the problem using warning logs or trace logs.

    14) Recovery.

    This is a difficult task. You should perform recovery with minimal data loss.

    15) Cloud Computing.

    You need to learn about cloud computing to provide support or migrate databases from on-premise to the cloud.

    As a DBA, you must be:

    Patience: Some bugs are very sticky and require a lot of research to resolve. Some bugs/crashes are not even clear to the rdbms developer and are fixed automatically. As time said heals everything.

    Focused: You must be very focused when doing DBA tasks. One bad query or one bad step can destroy your database. I suggest avoiding parallel work for DBA tasks. Database Administrator, DBA is a position well known as a company base. Since the DBA has full access to the company’s data, they are solely responsible for maintaining and manipulating the data according to the company’s needs. There are exclusive responsibilities of the database administrator. But in each company, the role will be slightly different depending on their access. So being an administrator is a pride.

    Learning DBA is easy because gaining depth knowledge of this domain is not damn easy. You need to learn so many other skills like networking, system administration, cloud technology, data security, etc. Using daily learning from the internet is the best option. You can stay connected with any good Oracle DBA Tutorials and knowledge sharing center. Only DBA Tips are not enough, you need to get database-related latest news and technology.

    When you want to make a strong Oracle DBA career then you should be aware of database services and other database technology. Without having knowledge of Oracle internals, Oracle performance tuning, and skill of Oracle database troubleshooting you can’t be an Oracle DBA expert.

    This expert DBA Team club blog always provides you latest technology news and database news to keep yourself up to date. You should need to be aware of Cloud database technology like DBaaS. All Oracle DBA tips are available in a single unique resource at our orageek. Meanwhile, we are also providing some sql tutorials for Oracle DBA. This is the part of Dbametrix Group and you would enjoy more advanced topics from our partner resource.

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