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    Archive Log Basics

    The article explains about basics of Archiving process and usage of arch files in backup and recovery.

    Basics of archived log files in Oracle 12c

    An Oracle 12 archive log files are simply copies of the redo log files. they’re no different from redo log files except that they’re renamed once they are created. Most file log files have the extension .ARC, .ARCH or .LOG., .ARC Seems more common. Not all databases have archive log files.

    It depends on whether you switch on your file. By rotating over the file, you’ll get over almost any sort of failure that gives two things: you’ve got a full backup. you’ve got not lost all copies of the redo or archive records. there’s a really less quantity of operating expense with the database file:

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    • Cost I / O: The ARCH process has got to replica each redo log group because it loads up.
    • CPU cost: Additional processing is required to repeat the redo records through the ARCN process.
    • Storage cost: you’ve got to stay all the file logs created between each backup.

    In relative terms, each of those costs is little in terms of profitability that you simply get: recovering the database without even losing the purpose on a self. this is often generally recommended for all production databases to archive their redo logs. Sometimes the file isn’t needed, like during a staging database used for testing code. You’ll simply copy the assembly database to revive a broken test. We aren’t recommending not archiving in test databases. Occasionally the test database is significant sufficient to archive. We are just saying that it can sometimes work without incurring the extra overhead.

    You should keep log files of recovery files between each backup. for instance you’re doing a backup every Sunday. Now they assert their database is losing files thanks to a disk failure for Wednesday.

    The Recovery Process:

    The recovery process would be to revive the lost files from the last backup then tell Oracle to use the archive log files from Sunday all the thanks to the failure on Wednesday. It’s called rolling forward. Like control files and redo log files, it’s best practice to possess quite one copy of every of the archive log files. they need to attend two different destinations on different devices, a bit like the others.

    A lost file record can’t be ignored. Server files and initialization parameters are the smallest amount files on your database server: PFILE, or parameter file, may be a text version which will be read and edited with a traditional text editor. SPFILE, or server parameter file, may be a binary copy that’s created for the database to be used after making changes.

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    Typically these files end with the extension .ORA. PFiles and SPFILEs have information about the configuration of your running database. This is often where you’ll configure the subsequent settings: Memory size Database and instance name Archiving parameters Processes

    Wait, what was that?

    During 1900 the parameters need to configure and adjust? don’t be afraid.

    the very fact is, 99 percent of your configuration database is completed with about 30 of the most parameters. the remainder of the parameters are for unusual settings that need more expert tuning.

    As a matter of fact, of these 1,900, quite 1,600 are hidden. whenever you begin your database, the primary file to read is that the parameter file. It sets all the memory and process settings and tells the instance where the control files are located. It also has information on the status of your file. The PFiles and SPFILEs are within the directory where you’ve got installed the database software.

    This directory is named the ORACLE_HOME: Linux / UNIX: and $ ORACLE_HOME/dbs folder

    Windows:% ORACLE_HOME% database It must have a selected naming structure.


    for instance , if the name of the database is test12c, the files are named as follows: The PFILE would be called inittest12c.ora. The SPFILE would be called spfiletest12c.ora. By naming them aside and putting them within the proper directory, Oracle automatically finds them once you start the database. If not, you’ve got to inform Oracle where they’re whenever you begin the database – which is simply not convenient. We recommend that you simply keep the PFILE and SPFILE within the default locations with the default naming convention for simple administration.

    When you want to make a strong Oracle DBA career then you should be aware of database services and other database technology. Without having knowledge of Oracle internals, Oracle performance tuning, and skill of Oracle database troubleshooting you can’t be an Oracle DBA expert.

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