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    HomeTechnologyUnix OS Server – A market trend

    Unix OS Server – A market trend

    This blog post explains the market trend of Unix and Linux operating servers.

    After the introduction of Linux, the market of Unix OS is becoming decreasing or stable?

    The demand for Unix servers is gradually declining. IBM and Intel have come up with new compatible processors only to end in vain because Unix servers are slowly losing touch with the market. For example, IBM has recently released the POWER7 series while Intel released Itanium 9300. These are meant to be compatible with Unix servers.

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    This article will take you through the different processors compatible with Unix. Then, You will also get the market shared by each one and its effect on the industry. Since it is Unix-dependent, I will also give a brief discussion of Unix along with its sales.

    To begin, let us discuss IBM’s POWER7. Series IBM has just recently released it POWER7 processor. It has up to eight cores that can run up to 32 threads. This means that they can perform up to 32 tasks at a time and this is done on a per chip basis. While it is powerful, it can also optimize its own memory. It can allocate memory to only four cores while shutting off the other four cores. This will expand scalability allowing more tasks to be done.

    Intel, on the other hand, has released its Itanium 9300 processor. It is also called by its code name Tukwila. It has up to four cores that can run up to eight threads per chip. This is a secret of Hewlett-Packard because it is the core of its main server. It runs on the HP-UX Unix operating system.

    Companies have begun to use this technology. Some of the most popular ones are Supermicro, Hitachi, NEC, SGI, Fujitsu ad Unisys.

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    Even the older processors such as Sun Microsystem’s SPARC are also losing their touch. In recent times, Oracle has recently acquired Sun which greatly contributes to their demise. In its acquisition, Oracle promised to continue the development of Solaris. However, it seemed that Oracle is more concerned with increasing itself with applications.

    Sales are also very depressing. There is a trend to consolidate new applications but the sales seem to be decreasing.  If you are going to track the sales in late 2009, you will see that revenue has dropped to 23.4% compared to 2008. This constitutes up to $2.8 billion in the quarter.

    But for IBM, market share seems to be positive. Its market share has grown from 5.2% to 39.5%. This is for the year 2009.

    The appalling decrease in Unix server sales is due to the difficulty of working with its base. Before, there are around 10 to 11 vendors working with these processors. But today, very few companies seem to be doing the job. Some of them are HP, IBM, and Sun.

    So before we end, we should ask if there is really a future for this product. Well, the answer is yes. It can still work and be adopted by companies. But will it be widely adopted? The answer seems to be no. It seems like Unix is losing to Windows and Linux OS-wise.

    But when it comes to the processor, it seems like POWER7 and Linux have a greater market share than Intel. And since these processors allow Unix, Unix can become a low-cost option compared to Windows.

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