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    HomeOracle TroubleshootingSolution of ORA-39511 with CRS-5702

    Solution of ORA-39511 with CRS-5702

    Solution of ORA-39511: Start of CRS resource for instance failed with error :[CRS-5702: Resource 'ora.asm' is already running

    Solution of ORA-39511: Start of CRS resource for instance ‘242’ failed with error :[CRS-5702: Resource ‘ora.asm’ is already running on ‘abc005’

    How problem hit:

    While trying to start up a new instance manually in order to start duplicating one database, I was getting the below error:

    SQL> startup nomount pfile=initabc1.ora
    ORA-39511: Start of CRS resource for instance ‘242’ failed with error:[CRS-5702: Resource ‘ora.asm’ is already running on ‘abc005’
    CRS-0223: Resource ‘ora.asm’ has placement error.
    clsr_start_resource:260 status:242
    clsrapi_start_asm:start_asmdbs status:242

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    This is on a 19c database setup on a cluster environment with ASM.

    Before I issue this command I manually dropped a database having the same name abc, I didn’t use dbca for this job because I had a problem login to the server with VNC, so I took the easy approach and dropped it manually and deleted all its files under ASM groups.

    Solution and Workaround:

    It’s always recommended to drop the database using DBCA, especially on a cluster/Oracle Restart environment. This will maintain to clean up all database resources on the server and avoid having the above error.

    For my scenario, because my job was not complete, I had to remove the remaining database cluster resources manually using the following commands:

    1- Remove the database and its instances resources from OCR:
    srvctl remove instance -d abc -i abc1
    srvctl remove instance -d abc -i abc2
    srvctl remove database -d abc

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    2- Remove all the database files inside ASM including datafiles, redo log files, controlfiles, password file, spfile from asmcmd console.

    3- Remove the database entry from /etc/oratab

    4- Make sure there are no resources belong to the dropped database:

    crsctl stat res -p

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