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    HomeOracle TuningDisk IO tuning of Oracle OLTP

    Disk IO tuning of Oracle OLTP

    Hi friends,

    Disk IO tuning of Oracle OLTP database applications is very difficult because very short operations are constantly occurring. SQL tasks and select operations are very short in manner. This means we can say that only index scanning operations are more than full table scan operations.

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    The tuning of disk IO is very critical for every Oracle server. Some expert system admin prefers disk caching using read-ahead caches configuration at the server. This read-ahead caches technique successfully eliminates heavy disk IO operations. But in some applications, is not helpful to cut down physical reads of server-side.

    A new article has been published to provide a more detailed explanation of whether read-ahead caching is useful for Oracle OLTP or not. Dbametrix has the goal to provide exclusive Oracle DBA tips in every aspect and topic which you can’t find anywhere else.

    Disk IO tuning using read ahead caches

    For more detail of every technical article, kindly check our Oracle DBA Tips section.

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