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    Export and Import in Oracle XE

    This article will focus on exporting and importing Oracle XE database through the DATA PUMP programs using commands of Expdp and Impdp.

    How to Export and Import in Oracle XE via command line

    One of the relevant tasks of a DBA is exporting and importing the database or some component of it, such as its schemas and tablespaces. For this purpose there are tools such as RMAN and the EXPDP and IMPDP programs.

    This article will focus on exporting and importing through the DATA PUMP programs (Expdp and Impdp).

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    To execute expdp and impdp, you must have users with DBA privileges, such as SYSTEM.

    How to Export a Oracle XE database:

    EXPDP program syntax:

    expdp username/password@localhost:port/DB full = value directory = DirectoryName dumpfile = file.dmp
    logfile = file.log

    Explanation of the parameters:

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    EXPDP is the name of the export program or command.
    User corresponds to a user with DBA privileges such as SYSTEM.
    Port is 1521 by default.
    BD is the name of the XE database or a PDB if our server is Database XE 18c.
    FULL indicates whether the entire database is exported (Y value).
    DIRECTORY is assigned the name of the virtual directory.
    DUMPFILE is assigned the name of the export file.
    LOGFILE is assigned the name of the log file.

    An Example:

    expdp system/password@localhost:1521/XEPDB1 full = Y directory = DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile = xepdb1.dmp
    logfile = xepdb1.log
    table_exists_actions = replace

    How to Import a Oracle XE database:

    IMPDP program syntax:

    impdp username/password@localhost:port/DB full = value
    directory = DirectoryName dumpfile = file.dmp
    logfile = file.log
    table_exists_actions = replace

    table_exists_actions is assigned relace to indicate that existing tables are replaced.

    An Example:

    impdp system/password@localhost:1521/XEPDB1 full = Y directory = DATA_PUMP_DIR
    dumpfile = xepdb1.dmp
    logfile = xepdb1.log

    Export database schemas:

    EXPDP program syntax:

    expdp username/password@localhost:port/DB SCHEMAS = schema1, schema2 
    directory = DirectoryName dumpfile = file.dmp logfile = file.log

    An Example:

    expdp system/password@localhost:1521/XEPDB1 schemas = hr 
    directory = DATA_PUMP_DIR
    dumpfile = xepdb1.dmp
    logfile = xepdb1.log

    Import database schemas:

    IMPDP program syntax:

    impdp username/password@localhost:port/DB
    SCHEMAS = scheme1, scheme2
    directory = DirectoryName dumpfile = file.dmp
    logfile = file.log


    impdp system/password@localhost:1521/XEPDB1
    schemas = hr directory = DATA_PUMP_DIR
    dumpfile = xepdb1.dmp
    logfile = xepdb1.log

    When you want to make a strong Oracle DBA career then you should be aware of database services and other database technology. Without having knowledge of Oracle internals, Oracle performance tuning, and skill of Oracle database troubleshooting you can’t be an Oracle DBA expert.

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